Our response to COVID-19 Coronavirus

How we’re looking after our people, customers, suppliers and communities

December 2021

A message from our CEO

As a business that has been committed to looking after its people, customers, and supply chain since 1886, we wanted to take this opportunity to update you on our ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is almost impossible to comprehend the ongoing and relentless nature of this pandemic which still sees much of the world fighting this infection.

The health, happiness and wellbeing of our people has always been paramount to our business. Protecting our people through these ongoing challenges continues to be our top concern. We know that by supporting our staff and ensuring their welfare, we can in turn deliver the best services to our customers.

To do this, our COVID-19 response teams (UK and US based) and global leadership teams have implemented an extensive programme of changes to ensure that our sites are COVID safe. Our primary focus for each action we take is to protect our people and minimise the potential for disruption to our customers and other partners in the supply chain.

Our people have shown an exceptional level of resilience, repeatedly demonstrating our company values, and pulling together to go above and beyond under extraordinary circumstances. For that, I am always grateful.

Actions are taken in line with local government advice in all our locations, and we continue to constantly monitor the situation, enabling us to respond as and when things evolve. Use the drop downs below to learn more about how we are:

  • Protecting and caring for our people

    In light of these unprecedented times, we have successfully implemented our robust business continuity strategy and adjusted our working practices in order to protect our staff, as well as actively promoting the guidance provided by local governments and health bodies.

    • Whilst the US offices remain open with a supported hybrid working approach, the UK has responded to the latest Government guidance to work from home if you can. As such those who can work from home will do so, and we remain committed to supporting the efforts in the UK to manage the spread of infection. This reduces physical headcount on site which enables a greater level of social distancing, and protects our business-critical operations, technical and logistics employees as they continue to service our customers.

    • Social distancing protocols have been implemented at each of our sites, as well as enhanced sanitising and cleaning in order to safeguard those still working on site.

    • Business travel remains limited, and follows all local guidance on safe travel practice.

    • We are caring for those working from home by providing extensive support around workstations, connectivity and staying well.

    • All employees are required to wear a face covering when within a specified distance of others.

    • All communal facilities have been rearranged to fulfil social distancing requirements.

    • We have created and implemented a substantial and robust programme of policies and procedures which are to be enacted should any of our staff on-site test positive for the Coronavirus.

    • We update our global workforce on a regular basis, sharing the latest government advice and recommendations.

    • We have enhanced cleaning programmes at all our locations.

  • Serving our global customer base

    Treatt are considered an ‘essential business’ both in UK government and US guidelines. Our products are used in the production of food, pharmaceuticals and personal care, and it is therefore essential that we continue to supply our customers who are responding to the ongoing demand for these products.

    As an organisation that regularly revisits, tests and refines its continuity strategy, we were already prepared to implement the processes and policies needed to safeguard our business. This has enabled us to react quickly and deliver a coordinated response.

    • Our operational output is seeing minimal disruption as our people go above and beyond to continue to exceed customers’ expectations.
    • Our commitment to working in partnership ensures that we continue to support our customers and their projects as they too navigate these challenging times.
    • We have taken significant steps to protect our manufacturing and technical capabilities.

    Please get in touch with your customer care representative or account manager directly should you need further information, or contact

  • Supporting our supply chain

    As a global ingredient’s manufacturer and solutions provider, we purchase raw materials from countries across the world. We want to take this opportunity to reassure suppliers that we are still accepting all shipments as normal across all our locations.

    We have seen disruptions within logistics worldwide but continue to take proactive steps to minimize those effects. And we have strong, long-term relationships with our suppliers and are working closely with them to ensure stable continuity of supply as well.

    Please get in touch with your buyer directly to learn more, or email enquiries@treatt.com.

Get in touch

As the situation develops, we will continue to update this webpage to keep you informed, however, should you wish to learn more about our response, please get in touch by emailing enquiries@treatt.com. In the meantime, thank you for your support and please, take care of yourself.

Best wishes

Daemmon Reeve
Group CEO